Subject: WORDPRNT: V1.2 Printing Macros Author: Leonard Wee Uploaded By: Leonardwee Date: 9/30/1996 File: MACROS12.DOT (13312 bytes) Estimated Download Time (35079 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 877 Needs: Windows 3.1 or later, MS Word for Windows 6.X or 7.X Keywords: Wee, Print, Word, Win31, Win95, Paper, Double, Template, Macro, Printer, Win31, Win95, Winword, FD Type: Freely Distributed MS Word for Windows® Macros Version 1.2 DuplexPrinting: A macro to simplify printing on both sides of the paper. PrintPage: This macro will print one copy of the current page of your document as indicated by the position of your cursor. Installation instructions are included. To use, retrieve: MACROS12.DOT in Microsoft Word 6 or 7 Documentation: Included in MACROS12.DOT